Monday, September 04, 2006

Hamilton Island 2007

The Escaped Aussies are returning home in 2007.

Hamilton Isalnd Regatta 18th - 25th August 2007 (with some lead up events the week before) will be the scene of a massive reunion.

The racing will be full-on with two matched boats. Forget the Waterford trophies on offer from the regatta - we'll be competing for the Bundy Cup.

Already more than a dozen people have expressed interest, with most of them sending deposits to secure their spots (we are limited to a maximum of 16).

Stay tuned for updates as the numbers grow and the details emerge about the extra curricular activities (including the charity event).


Sunday, September 03, 2006

Windsor Cup, UK - September 2006

Some select shots from a great day out in typical Cowes conditions with EA veterans from the last Cowes tour....

Rainy and gusty conditions up to 39 Knots , a close encounter with a mamoth tanker that actually swung a massive course change to avoid a collision with us, a torn kite that floated around the hull of the boat, and a 5th overall out of 17 boats !!!
